Projects 2007-2013

  • Project title: UE LI JE II - Olive oil: a symbol of quality in the cross-border area

  • Priority task: 3. Social integration
  • Priority: Public call for standard projects no. 02/2009 - 3

  • Project code: UE LI JE II
  • Users: Brda Municipality
  • Partner:
    Ministrstrvo za promet Republike Slovenije
    Občina Šempeter-Vrtojba
    RRA severne Primorske - Regijska razvojna agencija severne Primorske d.o.o. Nova Gorica
    Comune di Gorizia
    SpA Autovie Venete
    DARS d.d.
    Regione Autonoma Friulia Venezia Giulia - Direzione centrale mobilità, energia e infrastrutture di trasporto
    Slovenske Železnice d.o.o.
    Logsystem scarl

  • Description:
    The project aims to raise the quality of olive growing in the cross-border project area. Initiatives for joint development of olive growners in the border region have begun to with the implementation of cross-border project UE-LI-JE - The call for proposals of Interreg IIIA Italy - Slovenia 2000-2006, which was held in 2005 to the end of 2007. Achieved results of the project have created good conditions for cooperation and mutual understanding between the Italian and Slovenian olive oil producers. With the project UE LI JE II the current conditions will improve and strengthen.

    - Implementation of research and multi-year study of olive oil which is produced in the cross-border area;
    - Propagation of autochtonous olive types included in the common brand UE LI JE and raise quality seedlings;
    - Establish the Regulations for high-quality production and marketing plan for olive oil;
    Purchase of the equipment for olive oil production - bottling station and the separator;
    - Facilitate to olive growners and other practitioners in the field of olive growing to gain the necessary skills for quality production;
    - Create the conditions for the protection of the olive oil in a cross-border project area;
    - Create an appropriate market for olive oil.

    - A research and study of olive oil, made by the zoning space analysis of soil, climate, environment and the proposal 's socio conducted analysis, it is fully cross-analysis of 4;
    - Developed autochtonous types of olives; assumed to developed 20 types of olive trees in cross-border project area;
    - Preserved genetic material and breeding of local types performed to create six collections of plantations;
    - Acquired additional equipment for bottling of olive oil and separators for two olive mills and mill for instructional needs and increased demand for olive oil;
    - Qualified cross-border group of evaluators for olive oil - the official panel - and 2 qualified panel with main head on the Slovenian side and 2 on the Italian side;
    - Conduct the dissemination of knowledge of quality procedures to about 500 operators, namely oljkarji, millers, inn, brokers;
    - Prepared marketing strategy and brand snamke UELIJE up production rules; - 5 promotional events, including the preparation of publications.

  • Homepage Url:

  • Project data begin: September 2011
  • Project data end: April 2015
  • Approved costs: 870.590,51
  • Region / Statistical region: Gorizia, Goriška
  • Typology: Public call for standard projects no. 02/2009

List of beneficiaries

The list of beneficiaries, the names of providers and their projects, and the amount of public funding for projects is being made publicly available, each year in February, in line with Article 7 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1828/2006 and the European Transparency Initiative (COCOF April 23, 2008).

List of beneficiaries of the CBC Programme Italy-Slovenia 2007-2013 (last update: February 2017