Projects 2007-2013

  • Project title: JEZIK-LINGUA: Multilingualism as a source of richness and value of the Italian-Slovenian border

  • Priority task: 3. Social integration
  • Priority: Public call for strategic projects no. 01/2009 - 3

  • Project code: JEZIK-LINGUA
  • Users: Ciljno začasno združenje - Associazione temporanea di scopo "JEZIK-LINGUA"
  • Partner:
    Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
    Associazione degli appartenenti alla Comunità Nazionale Italiana - Unione Italiana - Društvo pripadnikov italijanske narodne skupnosti - Italijanska Unija
    Comunità autogestita costiera della nazionalità italiana - Obalna samoupravna skupnost italijanske narodnosti
    Centro italiano di promozione, cultura, formazione e sviluppo - Promocijsko, kulturno, izobraževalno in razvojno središče "Carlo Combi"
    Osrednja knjižnica - Biblioteca centrale "Srečko Vilhar"
    Comunità autogestita della nazionalità italiana di Capodistria - Samoupravna skupnost italijanske narodnosti Koper
    Univerza na Primorskem, Fakulteta za humanistične študije - Università del Litorale, Facoltà di studi umanistici
    Università degli studi di Udine - Centro internazionale sul plurilinguismo
    Consorzio universitario del Friuli
    Centro studi Jacques Maritain
    Dipartimento di letterature straniere, comparatistica e studi culturali - Università degli studi di Trieste

  • Description:
    The strategic project JEZIKLINGUA still carries on with the cooperation established years ago between the Italian minority in Slovenia and the Slovene minority in Italy in the field of valorization and sharing the common cultural and historical heritage. This project aims to create a Multimedia centre for the promotion and dissemination of the Slovenian language and culture in Italy, set up the institutional and structural conditions for the establishment of the first Italian bookshops in Slovenia, organize various activities to promote languages: free basic level / sectorial language courses in Italian / Slovenian for citizens in general and specifically for local / state organizations, to promote and spread the knowledge and use of the Italian / Slovenian language as well as majority-minority of the Programme area at the same time. It will also involve different order and degree schools in the aimed educational activities, oriented to the achievement of permanent cooperation networks. It will provide scientific researches that cross-connect to all the project’s phases and will develop a communication strategy that will make it attractive and temp them to study the languages of the territory. It also aims to highlight the common cultural heritage with actions of rediscovering the authors who made our territory famous, by printing and reprinting books and by retrieving the majority of library collections.

    The main expected outputs and results of the project JEZIKLINGUA are the following:

    1. A Multimedia centre for the promotion and dissemination of the Slovenian language and culture in Italy; results: spread of the Slovenian language and culture in Italy (in three years time there are 6,000 visitors expected at the Centre and 200,000 contacts on the website); target groups: the population of the eligible area and not just the members of the Slovenian minority in Italy, students, training, educational, research and cultural institutions and schools.

    2. "Info-book" (initially) and first (1) Italian bookshop in Slovenia (after); results: dissemination of Italian language and culture in Slovenia (in three years time there are 6,000 visitors expected at the Centre and 200,000 contacts on the website); target groups: the eligible population and not only the members of the Italian minority in Slovenia, students, educational institutions, education, research and cultural, and educational institutions.

    3. 100 language services between Italy and Slovenia; results: greater knowledge of the language and culture of the neighboring state in various sectors of public life and also outside in Slovenia: Slovenian civil servants who have learned Italian or improve its fluency, Slovenian citizens who are informed about the use and application of bilingualism as well as minority institutions on the Italian in Italy: families who have learned the principles of the received education and the multilingual support in its use, monolingual operators who are informed on how to work the best with multilingual families , Slovenian-speaking children who have improved their language skills, Slovenian-speaking adults who have implemented the use of the language in various sectors and improved functional literacy, non-Slovenian speaking Italian citizens who have learned the language of the Slovene minority language which is also the language of the neighboring state; target groups: public and private employees, children and adult population of the Programme area.

    4. 2 publications on famous authors, a publication on the common saying of the Istrian-Venetian dialect, a publication with an exercise book about the Friuli prehistory, a publication on the Istria-Venetian heritage, 12 text translations by the two national minorities authors, recovery and development of the Italian book fund in Slovenia (approximately 15,000 volumes), recovery and reprint of the Slovenian publications in Italy (work: Italian Slavia), 2 study conferences; results: recovery, rehabilitation and promotion of the cultural and historical heritage (people / students who have the knowledge of the Istria works and authors of the past centuries, people / students who have the knowledge of the authors part of the Slovene minority in Italy and their works, people who discovered the Italian common sayings of Koper, people / students have the knowledge of the Friuli prehistory, readers with the knowledge of the Istria-Venetian heritage, people who belong to the majority (Slovenian) and who have read translated literary works of the Italian minority authors, people who belong to the majority (Italian) who have read translated literary works of the Slovenian minority authors, people / students / users who have the knowledge of the classic books (rich library collections) recovered in Slovenia and on the library activity, people with the knowledge of the Slavia Italian book contents, knowledge dissemination of the minority reality in the "old Europe," and knowledge dissemination on the multilingualism added value) target groups: students, researchers, scholars, entire population of the Programme area.

    5. Educational activities for school institutes; results: increase of the language fluency among young people of the cross-border area, educational and professional enrichment for teachers of kindergartens in the cross-border area; kindergarten children with an enrichment of Italian and Slovene language; Elementary and Secondary school students involved in educational and creative activities, Secondary school students of the cross-border area involved in educational and literary enrichment courses, teachers’ and experts’ professional exchanges based on the teaching methods, various school institutions based on different types and levels of the Programme area put in touch through communication and network; students put in touch through network and use of modern communication systems (chat / blog), target groups: teachers and students.

    6. 3 scientific researches on attitudes towards the study of the minority language among the majority; collection and analysis of educational practices related to the teaching of the language minority children and adults, development of educational and motivational strategies for the study and the use of the language minority among non-language speakers; results in Italy: teachers who have improved the teaching of literacy in Slovenian language for children, teachers who have acquired the necessary knowledge to develop a teaching method and a communication strategy that makes the Slovenian language study attractive to adults, people with the knowledge of the research results related to study, the understanding and presentation of the Slovenian language, scholars and interested public who have gained new knowledge and data on language issues regarding the position of the Slovenian language in Italy, Slovenia: people with the knowledge of research results regarding study, understanding and presentation of the Italian language, scholars and interested public who have gained new knowledge and data on language issues concerning the situation of the Italian language in Slovenia; target groups: the population of the Programme area.

    7. 8 press conferences, 3 websites on network, promotional materials, two book fairs, DVD presentation about the project and Minorities; results: visibility of the project, its results and the Programme, distribution of books and of the rich cultural heritage of the area, target groups: the population of the Programme area and not only, books field experts, researchers, and educational institutes.

  • Homepage Url:

  • Project data begin: October 2009
  • Project data end: April 2015
  • Approved costs: 2.742.142,92
  • Region / Statistical region: Gorizia, Trieste, Udine, Venezia, Obalno-Kraška, Goriška, Osrednjeslovenska
  • Typology: Public call for strategic projects no. 01/2009

List of beneficiaries

The list of beneficiaries, the names of providers and their projects, and the amount of public funding for projects is being made publicly available, each year in February, in line with Article 7 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1828/2006 and the European Transparency Initiative (COCOF April 23, 2008).

List of beneficiaries of the CBC Programme Italy-Slovenia 2007-2013 (last update: February 2017