The aim of the project TRECORALA is to expand the biological knowledge on the “Trezze” (rocky outcrops present in the northern Adriatic coast) and coralligenous formations in the Gulf of Trieste and to identify guidelines for the management, protection and enhancement of the natural heritage by strengthening the attractiveness and competitiveness of the area and contributing to the protection of biodiversity.
Moreover, management proposals will be made through information on the exploitation fisheries, about some of the resources of commercial interest. The results will be widespread organizing informative seminars, aimed at the various people involved in fisheries management and in the administration of the tourist sites of interest. As final objective, the project aims to provide the necessary tools for the management of joint cross-border marine areas also developing the tourism sector.
planned activities:
1) Activities of administrative coordination, financial reporting and scientific coordination
2) Identification of the coralligenous areas and geomorphological analysis of the “trezze”, GIS mapping
3) Naturalistic description: description of the temporal variability of the physical and chemical properties of the water column; visual census of the fish fauna and description of biodiversity through experimental capture of fish and crustaceans both in the study areas and on comparison sites; description of the autotrophic and heterotrophic benthic community and definition of macro-and microalgal colonization of biogenic concretions
4) Description of fisheries activities through a survey on the artisanal fishing activity and on the selectivity of nets used; description of the bivalve fishing in the “Trezze” surrounding areas; census of boats and of fishing gears; data collection and interpretation of catches landed
5) Management proposals of some fisheries resources. The fishing effort, the role of the “trezza” in the dispersion of bivalves of commercial interest, on the population of lobsters and in the spawning of cephalopods will be evaluated in the identified areas
6) Proposals for tourism development. Creation of underwater naturalistic itineraries, courses of marine biology and of good practice for divers and finally selection of alternative tourist packages to complement the diving tourism
7) Communication plan. The photographs / video product will be presented in thematic exhibitions and photographic manual will be prepared, also in electronic format, for schools, divers and recreational associations. Methods will also be developed for shared participation and for the resolution of the conflictuality with the purpose of planning productive activities and tourism.
planned results:
The project TRECORALA, through a series of campaigns of scientific research and a strong action of involvement of operators, local governments and citizens' associations, aims to broaden and deepen the knowledge on the “Trezze”.
In particular, among others, it proposes, the following objectives:
• scientific evaluation of Good Environmental Status (GES) of these environments that are very important for preservation of biodiversity
• assessment of fishing activities through the involvement of stakeholders
• new proposals for the sustainable management of some resources
• development of different opportunities for tourism with the active participation of local administrations and associations of citizens
• wide dissemination of knowledge and results.
TRECORALA aims to develop a better "environmental awareness" of the people and of the involved operators and will be a useful tool available to the authorities responsible for an integrated and sustainable management.
Homepage Url:
Project data begin: October 2012Project data end: October 2014Approved costs: 1.430.000Region / Statistical region: Gorizia, Trieste, Udine, Obalno-Kraška, Goriška, GorenjskaTypology: Public call for standard projects - land border no. 03/2011
List of beneficiaries
The list of beneficiaries, the names of providers and their projects, and the amount of public funding for projects is being made publicly available, each year in February, in line with Article 7 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1828/2006 and the European Transparency Initiative (COCOF April 23, 2008).
List of beneficiaries of the CBC Programme Italy-Slovenia 2007-2013 (last update: February 2017