Projects 2000-2006

  • Project title: CROSS V - Corridor 5 development strategy with special attention to the track section between Italy and Slovenia, and feasibility study on the new Trieste - Divača railway line in keeping with decision n. 884/2004 EC

  • Priority task: Sustainable development of the cross-border area
  • Project measure: Measure 1.2 – Development and strengthening of cross-border organisations, infrastructures and networks

  • Project code: CAFVG112552
  • Users: RFI - Italian Railway Network (Trieste)
  • Partner:
    Directorate of Territorial Planning, Energy, Mobility and Transport Infrastructure of the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia (Trieste)
    Direction for Investiments in railway infrastructures (part of Ministry for Transport of the republic of Slovenia) (Maribor)
    INCE - Central European Initiative Executive Secretariat (Trieste)
    Italian Ministry for Infrastructure and Transports (Rome)
    Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor Republike Slovenije
    Regional Secretariat of the Veneto Region Infrastructure and Mobility

  • Description: The project outlines the strategic initiatives to be undertaken in order to develop and consolidate organizations and infrastructures along Pan-European Corridor 5 in order to foster the establishment of connecting factors between the countries the railway line runs through. One of the most important tracks is Italian-Slovenian TEN Priority Project n. 6, that includes the Trieste-Divača section, where a feasibility study for the new railway line will be developed, in keeping with decision n. 884/2004 EC. The strategic study of Corridor 5 (financed with funds allocated through National Law no. 84/2001) will focus on the favourable and detrimental consequences produced by the whole track on territorial development, on the transport system, on the social-economic organization and on the environment, taking account of the legislative framework in force in each Country and of the relevant Community regulations. As regards the feasibility study of the railroad junction Trieste-Divača, for a total length of approximately 28 km, the following conditions need to be observed: the technical and construction parameters of the layout, as well as the safety measures, will have to be homogeneous for the whole work, the speed category will have to be as high as possible, taking account of all technical and economic requirements, whereas the maximum gradient cannot exceed 17‰.. The reduction of such gradient, if any, will also be considered by the current study, keeping in mind that this is a mixed line where freight is very important. The project sees the participation of numerous partners, consisting for the Italian side of the Ministry of Infrastructures, Region Friuli Venezia Giulia, Region Veneto, the Italian Railway Company and the Executive Secretariat of CEI; for the Slovenian side, the Directorate for Investments in Railroad Infrastructures (belonging to the Ministry of Transport) and the Ministry for the Environment and the Territory.
  • Homepage Url: http:///

  • Project data begin: December 2006
  • Project data end: June 2008
  • Approved costs: 2.179.500,00 €
  • Region / Statistical region: Trieste

List of beneficiaries

The list of beneficiaries, the names of providers and their projects, and the amount of public funding for projects is being made publicly available, each year in February, in line with Article 7 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1828/2006 and the European Transparency Initiative (COCOF April 23, 2008).

List of beneficiaries of the CBC Programme Italy-Slovenia 2007-2013 (last update: February 2017