Projects 2000-2006

  • Project title: Youth leader - Trainees Alma Volk and Andrea Malagnino

  • Priority task: Human resources, cooperation and systems harmonisation
  • Project measure: Measure 3.1 - Vocational training, re-training and innovative initiatives on the labour-market

  • Project code: BAFVG331345
  • Users: SDPZI - Slovenian Regional Vocational Training Institute (Trieste)
  • Partner:
    Association "Progetto Aggregazione Giovanile" (Trieste)
    Cooperative "L'Albero Azzurro" (Trieste)
    Youth Centre "Podlaga" (Sežana)
    SKGZ - Slovenian Cultural and Economic Union (Trieste)
    Sežana Sport, Leisure and Tourism Board - Pliskovica Youth Hostel (Dutovlje)

  • Description: This project aims to train professionals with specific management skills of third-sector associations, a solid knowledge of youth dynamics in the Italian-Slovenian area of reference and the ability to design and implement joint cross-border youth projects in the field of socio-educational and cultural services to promote the youth culture of the territory, prevent and reduce marginalisation and deviance, develop activities for youth and young tourism. Specifically, the project offers to two subjects coming from eligible Italian and Slovenian areas a parallel and simultaneous work experience in a sector that, thanks to recent regulations on subsidiarity, provides special opportunities for development and employment. The Youth Leader works in the third sector, autonomously or within an association and/ or cooperative as coordinator and/or person in charge of youth projects, in the private sector or together with public institutions. He/she has diversified background experiences in social promotion and socio-cultural entertainment activities; is in charge of Youth Centres, takes part in the detailed planning of activities and follows their implementation, also if necessary with external assistance. He/she cooperates with the agencies who work in the territory with the same age groups. The two trainees are recruited for an eight-month internship to acquire the skills that are requested of such a professional figure, namely the capacity to relate with individuals and with a group, the willingness to listen to the needs of youth and the territory in general, as well as a commitment to continuous learning and updating on issues that are closely related to the young.
  • Homepage Url: http:///

  • Project data begin: January 2005
  • Project data end: March 2006
  • Approved costs: 23.686,16 €
  • Region / Statistical region: Trieste

List of beneficiaries

The list of beneficiaries, the names of providers and their projects, and the amount of public funding for projects is being made publicly available, each year in February, in line with Article 7 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1828/2006 and the European Transparency Initiative (COCOF April 23, 2008).

List of beneficiaries of the CBC Programme Italy-Slovenia 2007-2013 (last update: February 2017