Projects 2000-2006

  • Project title: High quality production - improvement and enhancement through a common route for typical and traditional local agri-food products in the cross-border areas

  • Priority task: Economic cooperation
  • Project measure: Measure 2.3 - Cross-border cooperation in the primary sector

  • Project code: AAVEN223102
  • Users: Venice Province
  • Partner:
    Caorle Municipality
    Mirano Municipality
    Gruppo di Azione Locale Venezia Orientale (VeGAL)
    Secondary Education Institute "G. Ponti" (Mirano)
    Forestry and Agricultural Institute - Forestry and Agricultural Chamber (Celje)
    ZRS - Science and Research Centre - University of Primorska

  • Description: The project at issue is part of the improvement, enhancement and promotion of two specific geographic areas: the Venetian province and the Slovenian territory. This initiative takes up the opportunity of a future European certification of high quality products in the two areas, and the potential definition of one or more rural and/or agrifood districts connected with typical, traditional and organic products. In the first stage, the activities to be carried out and the requirements envisaged by the production regulation for the PDO (protected designation of origin), PGI (protected geographical indication) and ORGANIC European certifications will be defined. Then the results of the study will be gathered and published with the technical specifications of the most interesting products; for Italy - vegetables, wine and traditional food products, for the Republic of Slovenia - wine, cheese and prepared meats; finally, wine and foodtasting routes will be outlined. The publication “Enhancement of agri-food products” will contain a detailed mapping of high quality products which will be listed in data sheets; it will be translated into English and Slovene and provided with a CD-Rom containing the production regulation and all reference rules. The volume will also enclose a map showing the farmhouse accommodation and the organic farms in the province of Venice and promoting some typical products of the Gorizia and Karst areas (Tolmino cheese, Gorizia cherries, Karst ham). The project includes the organization of several informative initiatives (both promotional and technical initiatives) such as two seminars introducing and discussing the production regulation. The promotional events held in Mirano and Izola - Isola have fostered the promotion of the agri-food products of the two geographic areas concerned, even through the distribution of the publication, the food and wine tasting events and the direct sales of products.
  • Homepage Url: http:///

  • Project data begin: November 2003
  • Project data end: June 2005
  • Approved costs: 59.820,86 €
  • Region / Statistical region: Venezia

List of beneficiaries

The list of beneficiaries, the names of providers and their projects, and the amount of public funding for projects is being made publicly available, each year in February, in line with Article 7 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1828/2006 and the European Transparency Initiative (COCOF April 23, 2008).

List of beneficiaries of the CBC Programme Italy-Slovenia 2007-2013 (last update: February 2017