Projects 2000-2006

  • Project title: LAND ART & WINE - Food-and-wine and artistic handicraft itineraries

  • Priority task: Economic cooperation
  • Project measure: Measure 2.2 - Cross-border cooperation in the tourism

  • Project code: AASLO222526, AAVEN222526
  • Users: ICRA Severne Primorske - Idrija and Cerkno Development Agency (Idrija)
  • Partner:
    Confartigianato - Confederation of Craftsmen (Venice)
    Brda Municipality
    Idrija Municipality
    Vipava Municipality
    Gorizia Province
    RA ROD - Razvojna agencija ROD
    RRA severne Primorske - Regijska razvojna agencija severne Primorske d.o.o. Nova Gorica

  • Description: This project follows along the same lines of project “The development of an Idrija lace trademark”, implemented in 2003-2004 and aimed at the creation of a strong, appraised and recognizable trademark, called “Idrija Lace”. The early project aimed to ensure the positioning and recognition of this trademark in various sectors, including tourism. In this new framework, a development strategy will be drawn up for the Idrija as a tourist destination. Also, this action aims at promoting the artistic and handicraft production undertaken in the centre of Saints Cosma and Damiano, located on the Giudecca island in Venice. Therefore this initiative is extremely significant and useful to all participating partners. Studying traditional handicraft activities is essential to implement a targeted tourist development strategy concerning relevant productions and their corresponding territories. Events and seminars will then be organized on the project’s main themes, with the identification of the local food-and-wine and artistic handicraft itineraries that will be centred on these four elements: iron, soil, paper and wood. The Slovenian partners are involved in the construction of tourist infrastructures, specifically the Idrija lace Centre and exhibition areas in Vipava and Dobrovo. Lastly, in order to disseminate the results achieved, two final conferences will be organized in Venice and Idrija in the context of the Idrija lace festival, while promotional material will be prepared for tourists.
  • Homepage Url: http:///

  • Project data begin: January 2006
  • Project data end: August 2007
  • Approved costs: 233.225,24 €
  • Region / Statistical region: Goriška

List of beneficiaries

The list of beneficiaries, the names of providers and their projects, and the amount of public funding for projects is being made publicly available, each year in February, in line with Article 7 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1828/2006 and the European Transparency Initiative (COCOF April 23, 2008).

List of beneficiaries of the CBC Programme Italy-Slovenia 2007-2013 (last update: February 2017