
  • Project title: The Julian Alps between present and future: the Fusine lakes

  • Priority task: Economic cooperation
  • Project measure: Measure 2.2 - Cross-border cooperation in the tourism

  • Project code: AAFVG222013
  • Users: Directorate of Agricultural, Natural, Forest and Mountain Resources of the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia (Udine)
  • Partner:
    Chiusaforte Municipality
    Resia Municipality
    Resiutta Municipality
    Tarvisio Municipality
    "Gemonese, Canal del Ferro e Val Canale" Mountain Community
    Julian Prealps Natural Park Authority (Resia)
    Bovec Municipality
    Kranjska Municipality

  • Description: This project is part of a wider integrated project called “The Julian Alps between present and future”. It envisages specific initiatives in the cross-border area comprised among the municipalities of Tarvisio and Resia (in Italy) and of Kranjska Gora and Bovec (in Slovenia), the publication of information material in two languages as well as the setting up of a Work Group of experts from the various participating bodies, who will have the task of assessing the progress of individual sub-projects. This initiative aims at re-launching tourism and consolidating the local economy in the cross-border area of the region, through the adoption of specific and integrated actions in the fields of high altitude, naturalistic, educational and rural tourism, by enhancing the local resources and maintaining the typical features of the area. Specifically, the project focuses on the Fusine Lakes district (Lower and Upper lake) to renovate the routes around and between the two lakes, and to build a car park and toilet facilities. In particular, part of the trail around the Lower Lake will be renovated and equipped to be accessible also to the disabled. In order to enhance the environmental morphology of the wooded area between the Fusine Lakes and the village of Ortigara, it is also envisaged to upgrade the service trail to Fontanafredda. The renovation of the access infrastructure, with the creation of a resting area near the protected area, makes the area accessible also for tourist and naturalistic purposes.
  • Homepage Url: http:///

  • Project data begin: October 2003
  • Project data end: June 2006
  • Approved costs: 365.437,04 €
  • Region / Statistical region: Gorizia, Trieste, Udine, Pordenone


The official documentation of the CBC Programme Italy-Slovenia 2007-2013 is available in Italian and Slovene version only.

Programma Operativo
Approvato dalla UE con decisione C(2007) 6584 del 20 dicembre 2007

Rapporto ambientale

Piano di comunicazione
Approvato dalla Commissione europea con comunicazione n. 5387 in data 30 giugno 2008