
  • Project title: No walls

  • Priority task: Human resources, cooperation and systems harmonisation
  • Project measure: Measure 3.2 - Cooperation in culture, communication, research and institutions for the systems between harmonisation

  • Project code: AAFVG332317
  • Users: 2nd District Health Authority "Isontina" (Gorizia)
  • Partner:
    Association "Lab" (Gorizia)
    Cultural Association "Graphiti" (Gorizia)
    Cultural Association "Seghizzi" (Gorizia)
    Cultural Association "Terzo Teatro" (Gorizia)
    Sport Club "Lucinico Calcio"
    Basketball Club "Unione Sportiva Goriziana" (Gorizia)
    Theatre Association "Teatrilandia" (Gorizia)
    Sport Club "Adria - Gorizia Triathlon"
    CONI Provincial Committee (Gorizia)
    Gruaro Municipality
    Consorzio IL MOSAICO
    Cooperative "Il Grande Carro" (Gorizia)
    Directorate of Agricultural, Natural, Forest and Mountain Resources of the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia (Udine)
    Musical Group "Gino Pipia e i Trovieri" (Gorizia)
    ISIG - International Institute of Sociology of Gorizia (Gorizia)
    Culture and Art Association "Ena" (Šempeter pri Gorici)
    Mestna občina Nova Gorica
    Občina Šempeter-Vrtojba
    Gorizia Province
    Sport Club "Mark Šempeter" (Šempeter pri Gorici)
    Sport and Art Association "Vrtojbica 2001" (Šempeter pri Gorici)
    Regional Union of Mental Health Associations (Monfalcone)
    "Osnovno Varstvo" Health District (Nova Gorica)

  • Description: Slovenia’s entry into the European Union requires exchanges and cultural-social integration, in order to overcome any physical or mental border, thus fostering the growth of Gorizia and Nova Gorica, providing them with the opportunity to tackle even their most contradictory and uncomfortable aspects. Against this background, the project fosters young people’s aggregation and socialization, with special regard to youth at risk of emargination, by ensuring suitable environments and initiatives to carry out cultural, sport and musical activities whilst setting up a network and preventing young people’s unease. In particular environmental renovation activities are going to be carried out in a historical area - the Basaglia park (former psychiatric hospital in Gorizia); the construction of a music rehearsal studio, a musical video recording studio and a gym is envisaged by the project. These areas - located on the border between Italy and Slovenia - will lay the basis for the development of young people’s activities, thus turning a place of suffering and treatment in a meeting and aggregation centre.
  • Homepage Url: http:///

  • Project data begin: July 2004
  • Project data end: December 2007
  • Approved costs: 655.000,00 €
  • Region / Statistical region: Gorizia


The official documentation of the CBC Programme Italy-Slovenia 2007-2013 is available in Italian and Slovene version only.

Programma Operativo
Approvato dalla UE con decisione C(2007) 6584 del 20 dicembre 2007

Rapporto ambientale

Piano di comunicazione
Approvato dalla Commissione europea con comunicazione n. 5387 in data 30 giugno 2008