
  • Project title: Cooperation for development

  • Priority task: Human resources, cooperation and systems harmonisation
  • Project measure: Measure 3.1 - Vocational training, re-training and innovative initiatives on the labour-market

  • Project code: BAFVG331136
  • Users: SDPZI - Slovenian Regional Vocational Training Institute (Trieste)
  • Partner:
    Training Centre "ENAIP" (Trieste)
    Faculty of Economics - Trieste University
    Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia - Koper - Capodistria Regional Chamber
    Mestna občina Nova Gorica
    Piran Municipality
    Sežana Municipality
    SDGZ - Slovenian Regional Economic Association (Trieste)
    SKGZ - Slovenian Cultural and Economic Union (Trieste)
    SSO - Confederation of Slovenian Organizations (Trieste)
    Italian Union (Koper - Capodistria)

  • Description: This initiative aims at meeting a number of interconnected needs, expressed repeatedly by operators and entities engaged in cooperation and assistance projects abroad. Government institutions cannot rely any longer simply on the good will and pro-activeness of operators in the field of cooperation, they need more qualified personnel, who would ensure a more structured approach towards the planning and management of actions in the field of cooperation for development, particularly in South-Eastern Europe. The growing diversification of the type of institutions involved in cooperation for development activities is reflected in the various initiatives and projects. In addition to the traditional subjects involved - international governmental and non-governmental institutions, national and international - local bodies have appeared on the scene of Decentralised Cooperation. It becomes therefore essential to train personnel with a wide range of skills spanning from the national legal, institutional and historical context, with all its regional intricacies, to the international, with a variety of scenarios. The course, targeting unemployed subjects in the eligible Programme area, intends to train operators who will work in bodies engaged in the field of cooperation and active in South Eastern European Countries, who will be able to work both in the public and private sector, at local and international level.
  • Homepage Url: http:///

  • Project data begin: March 2004
  • Project data end: November 2004
  • Approved costs: 59.975,44 €
  • Region / Statistical region: Trieste


The official documentation of the CBC Programme Italy-Slovenia 2007-2013 is available in Italian and Slovene version only.

Programma Operativo
Approvato dalla UE con decisione C(2007) 6584 del 20 dicembre 2007

Rapporto ambientale

Piano di comunicazione
Approvato dalla Commissione europea con comunicazione n. 5387 in data 30 giugno 2008