
  • Project title: Coast to coast - Creating a naturalistic/archaeological park in the Po Delta area.

  • Priority task: Sustainable development of the cross-border area
  • Project measure: Measure 1.1 - Protection, preservation and development of the environment and the territory

  • Project code: BAVEN111068
  • Users: Po River Delta Regional Park (Rovigo)
  • Partner:
    Adria Municipality
    Ariano nel Polesine Municipality
    Corbola Municipality
    Porto Viro Municipality
    Rosolina Municipality
    Občina Izola - Comune di Isola
    Občina Komen
    Piran Municipality
    Pokrajinski muzej Koper - Museo regionale di Capodistria
    Venice Province

  • Description: Integrated project “Coast to Coast” promotes and supports the socio-economic development of the area of the Po Delta and consists of five actions aimed at intensifying cooperation among Italian and Slovenian institutions and economic operators, by generating a tourist, cultural, environmental and educational flow exchange between the two shores of the Adriatic. The project, identified by the code BAVEN111068, aims at establishing the Naturalistic and Archaeological Park of the Po Delta, located near the town of Adria, in that it already hosts a National Archaeological Museum and is a well-known and lively cultural centre in Veneto. A large number of excavations and finds can be found here, such as the archaic settlement, the pre-Roman necropolises, the Etruscan outpost on the sea, the Roman settlement and necropolis, and a milestone of the Via Popillia that connected San Basilio with Adria, running through the territory that today forms the Municipality of Corbola. Specifically, project activities centre on the creation of tourist-cultural itineraries that will ensure the fruition of a unique archaeological and cultural heritage, as well as cataloguing activities, the restoration of some of these sites, the access to and fruition of the sites - also virtually - by developing a suitable interaction with similar projects or schemes already implemented in the Low Friuli plain and in the Slovenian area, through the adoption of information technologies and the support of joint promotional actions. The project will be completed with the creation of bicycle and pedestrian routes and itineraries in adjacent Municipalities, so that the Park can become an important point of reference for cultural tourism in the area, also thanks to a markedly educationoriented approach in direct contact, through a computerised system, with the Visitors’ Centre and the other Museums participating in this initiative (Aquileia, Piran-Pirano and Koper-Capodistria).
  • Homepage Url:

  • Project data begin: January 2002
  • Project data end: July 2008
  • Approved costs: 2.432.925,29
  • Region / Statistical region: Rovigo


The official documentation of the CBC Programme Italy-Slovenia 2007-2013 is available in Italian and Slovene version only.

Programma Operativo
Approvato dalla UE con decisione C(2007) 6584 del 20 dicembre 2007

Rapporto ambientale

Piano di comunicazione
Approvato dalla Commissione europea con comunicazione n. 5387 in data 30 giugno 2008