

22.09.2009 Meeting the public at large: a stand in Gorizia for the event “Gusti di frontiera – Border Tastes”

From the 25th to the 27th September, in Gorizia, during the event “Gusti di frontiera - Border Tastes”, a stand will offer visitors the opportunity to become aware of the outcomes achieved and projects supported within the territory by PIC INTERREG IIIA Italy-Slovenia 2000-2006, as well as to obtain useful information on the state of the art of the Programme and new funding opportunities for the current programming period (2007-2013).

Following the success of FRIULI DOC in terms of attendance and in order to increase the visibility of a Programme that promoted and still promotes cooperation activities between Italy and Slovenia, the event in Gorizia will provide a valuable occasion to meet traditions, contaminations, histories, cultures, influences of the various populations that formerly constituted an Empire and presently are the “Europe of peoples”.

The stand will also host the Regional Meteorological Observatory (OSMER), which is the key sector of the Regional Agency for Environmental Protection entrusted with the task of monitoring and providing weather forecasts for the territory of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region.

“Gusti di frontiera” 2009 - picture

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